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Neatline 1.0.1

Jul 30, 2012 • Jeremy Boggs

Neatline 1.0.1 addresses a issue where the default width of the Items column in a Neatline exhibit was not correctly set upon installation. Once you download the new version and upgrade, the default width will be set correctly. Of course, this is still something you can adjust by activating the Items column, then clicking and dragging the side of the column to the width you’d like. But if you’re having trouble doing that, upgrading to 1.0.1 will help.

You can download 1.0.1 from the Omeka Addons page for Neatline. Once you download and unzip the new version, just replace the files in your plugins/Neatline directory with the files you just unzipped. Once you do that, log in to your Omeka installation’s admin panel, then navigate to Settings > Plugins, and click the “Upgrade” button beside your Neatline plugin.

Many thanks for all the praise, feature requests, and bug reports that have come in since we first released Neatline! As always, keep sending us those through our issue tracker on Github.