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Neatline 2.1.0

Sep 25, 2013 • dm4fn

We’re pleased to announce the release of Neatline 2.1.0! This is a fairly large maintenance release that adds new features, patches up some minor bugs, and ships some improvements to the UI in the editing environment. Some of the highlights:

  • A “fullscreen” mode (re-added from the 1.x releases), which makes it possible to link to a page that just displays a Neatline exhibit in isolation, scaled to the size of the screen, without any of the regular Omeka site navigation. Among other things, this makes it much easier to embed a Neatline exhibit as an iframe on other websites (eg, a WordPress blog) – just set the src attribute on the iframe equal to the URL for the fullscreen exhibit view. Eg:

    Thanks coryduclos, colonusgroup, and martiniusDE for letting us know that this was a pain point.</li>

    • A series of UI improvements to the editing environment that should make the exhibit-creation workflow a bit smoother. We bumped up the size of the “New Record” button, padded out the list of records, and made the “X” buttons used to close record forms a bit larger and easier-to-click. Also, in the record edit form, the “Save” and “Delete” buttons are now stuck into place at the bottom of the panel, meaning that you don’t have to scroll down to the bottom of the form every time you save. Much easier! neatline-2.1

    • Fixes for a handful of small bugs, mostly cosmetic or involving uncommon edge cases. Notably, 2.1.0 fixes a problem that was causing item imports to fail when the Omeka installation was using the Amazon S3 storage adapter, as we do for our faculty-project installations here at UVa.</ul> Check out the release notes on GitHub for the full list of changes, and grab the new code from the Omeka add-ons repository. And, as always, be sure to send comments, concerns, bug reports, and feature requests in our direction.

    In other Neatline-related news, be sure to check out Katherine Jentleson’s Neatline-enhanced essay “‘Not as rewarding as the North’: Holger Cahill’s Southern Folk Art Expedition,” which just won the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art Graduate Research Essay Prize. I met Katherine at a workshop at Duke back in the spring, and it’s been a real pleasure to learn about how she’s using Neatline in her work!