New release!
First, a huge thank you to Jamie Folsom and Andy Stuhl from Perfomant Software Solutions LLC, who did the heavy lifting on the coding for this release. We couldn’t have done it without them. We’re grateful, as well, to Neatline community member Adam Doan (@doana on Github) from the University of Guelph, whose code contributions made Neatline’s first accessibility functionality possible.
What’s Fixed:
Google Maps API issues. We originally embedded the API key for Google Maps directly in the Neatline code, but Google changes the way apps should connect to their codebase fairly regularly, and with little or no warning. It’s just easier for everyone if you can directly configure an API key for your specific installation of Neatline, so that’s what we’ve done. Updated installation and configuration instructions (with screencaps!) are available on our documentation site .
WMS map layer issues. We thought we had this one squished, but it came back again because of issues with our implementation of OpenLayers 2.0 and conflicts with the way that MapWarper passes data via URL. MapWarper WMS layers will now render properly as exhibit items and as base layers for an exhibit.
What’s New:
Accessibility. Thanks to Neatline community member @doana, you can now specify a URL to an accessible version of your Neatline exhibit in the exhibit’s settings. If the accessible URL exists, a hidden link will be rendered at the top of the public exhibit page directing users of assistive technology to the alternative page so that their screen reader can render the page for them. This feature relates specifically to Guideline 1.1 of WCAG 2.0. Our documentation of this new feature will be available on by July 10, 2017.
For more detail on this update, check out the Changelog.
Ready to download? Get the latest release from the Omeka Add-Ons Repository.
Encounter an issue? ask a question on the Omeka Forums or submit an issue, or feature request, directly to us on our issue tracker.